People Focused Christ Centered

A Scary Place to Be in : A Plea to True Repentance and Salvation

A Scary Place to Be in : A Plea to True Repentance and Salvation

Throughout my life, today the word repentance hit me hard.  It is a day that will always ring in my mind. The very thought that someone can be at peace by being dunked in water, thinking they are good with God and that is it.  That, my friends, is the scariest position to be in… Continue Reading

I Tried Jesus But He Didn’t Work For Me

I Tried Jesus But He Didn’t Work For Me

No, this is not about me, but I made you click the link, didn’t I?  I have heard this statement many times over.  I tried Jesus, but it didn’t work for me.  I am still struggling.  Jesus didn’t get me out of my situation.  My spouse still left me.  I am still drinking, still doing… Continue Reading

Grieving The Fallen: Heart Felt Call to Come Back to Jesus

Grieving The Fallen: Heart Felt Call to Come Back to Jesus

I woke up this morning thinking about all those people that have once had a joy for the Lord and now ignore every aspect of Him.  They have fallen. I think about those that I have known very well that have once served, invested and loved the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and… Continue Reading

Key 3 – Godly Leader Obediently Prays

Key 3 – Godly Leader Obediently Prays

The previous lesson, A Godly Leader is in the Book!  A very important lesson. Realize without prayer we are having a one way conversation.  Leaders cannot lead with one way conversations.  Prayer cannot be heard and will not be heard if we are harboring sin in our lives!  The Bible is clear on this in… Continue Reading

KEY 2 – A Godly Leader is in The Book

KEY 2 – A Godly Leader is in The Book

In the last lesson we went over Key 1 – A Godly Leader Seeks Christ’s Direction. Being a godly leader, in this lesson the Bible is the core to Christianity; it is our manual for living.  If we don’t read the manual we could be doing it all wrong! We will be weak. We will… Continue Reading

KEY 1: A Godly Leader Seeks Christ’s Direction!

KEY 1: A Godly Leader Seeks Christ’s Direction!

Biblical Leadership is a huge responsibility and takes a tremendous amount of hard work! What is it that keeps you from seeking Christ’s direction in your life?  This is a question we should all ask ourselves!  Is it pride in self?  Is it idolatry?  Is it the world?  Whatever that thing is that keeps us… Continue Reading

Ten Keys To Godly Leadership – Introduction

Ten Keys To Godly Leadership – Introduction

The Christian family and the church today are lacking.  More and more I see men lacking the biblical leadership and involvement in the local church.  Men lack the ability to spiritually lead their home for several reasons, from ignorance, laziness and desire to do the right thing.   This series will challenge you. It will convict… Continue Reading


God has dropped me right in the middle of chapter 4 of Philippians verses 11 to 13. Philippians 4:11-13 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. (12) I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every… Continue Reading

Romans 4: The Truth About Justification

Summary: This chapter is straight from the heart of Paul. He mentions works and how that does not work and cannot get you to heaven.  He mentions the grace of God and how Abraham was counted righteousness for trusting in God!  It was not based on him getting circumcised.  That is what religion wants.  Most… Continue Reading

8 Verses as a Man we Need to Read and Apply!

8 Verses as a Man we Need to Read and Apply!

It is one thing to read these verses.  Most everyone can read a passage.  It is another to “apply” these verses to our lives!  If we want change we need to allow God to change us!  We need to set aside our prides as men and drop to our knees asking God to help us… Continue Reading