People Focused Christ Centered

Tag Archives: Christ

I Tried Jesus But He Didn’t Work For Me

I Tried Jesus But He Didn’t Work For Me

No, this is not about me, but I made you click the link, didn’t I?  I have heard this statement many times over.  I tried Jesus, but it didn’t work for me.  I am still struggling.  Jesus didn’t get me out of my situation.  My spouse still left me.  I am still drinking, still doing… Continue Reading

Grieving The Fallen: Heart Felt Call to Come Back to Jesus

Grieving The Fallen: Heart Felt Call to Come Back to Jesus

I woke up this morning thinking about all those people that have once had a joy for the Lord and now ignore every aspect of Him.  They have fallen. I think about those that I have known very well that have once served, invested and loved the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and… Continue Reading

Key 3 – Godly Leader Obediently Prays

Key 3 – Godly Leader Obediently Prays

The previous lesson, A Godly Leader is in the Book!  A very important lesson. Realize without prayer we are having a one way conversation.  Leaders cannot lead with one way conversations.  Prayer cannot be heard and will not be heard if we are harboring sin in our lives!  The Bible is clear on this in… Continue Reading

KEY 2 – A Godly Leader is in The Book

KEY 2 – A Godly Leader is in The Book

In the last lesson we went over Key 1 – A Godly Leader Seeks Christ’s Direction. Being a godly leader, in this lesson the Bible is the core to Christianity; it is our manual for living.  If we don’t read the manual we could be doing it all wrong! We will be weak. We will… Continue Reading

KEY 1: A Godly Leader Seeks Christ’s Direction!

KEY 1: A Godly Leader Seeks Christ’s Direction!

Biblical Leadership is a huge responsibility and takes a tremendous amount of hard work! What is it that keeps you from seeking Christ’s direction in your life?  This is a question we should all ask ourselves!  Is it pride in self?  Is it idolatry?  Is it the world?  Whatever that thing is that keeps us… Continue Reading

7 Lame Excuses for NOT Going to Worship

7 Lame Excuses for NOT Going to Worship

This list could go on and on! What is or has been your excuse?  Lets stop sugar coating the truth.  We can make excuses all day long, but the real answer is this: WE DO NOT WANT TO GO! That reveals our true heart towards the Lord.  We really need to get this disobedience under… Continue Reading

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

How anyone could deny the fact that God is real and His Name is Jesus Christ, is beyond me. This past week God has proven faithful in the little things. Let me give you some examples. We were at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida this past weekend at the parking lot was absolutely full! We… Continue Reading