I have been off the air for about 10 years or so. Over the past couple of months since I got a new weather station, I have had the itch to get back in to storm spotting and Amateur Radio. I started a local Facebook page for my community to post weather updates. I post updates as needed when significant weather passes through my area. Recently I have put my 2 meter Yaesu FT-2800 65 watt mobile in my small subcompact 2015 Chevy Sonic LTZ. It was quite a task to figure out where to put it in. Had to get creative and I ended up putting it on the passenger side of my center console.

I then completed all the online training for SkyWarn and got a stormspotter ID. I am also a part of a wonderful program that is called Community Collaborative Rain Hail & Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) where every morning I measure precipitation for the Nation Weather Service for climate studies.

Just this past weekend I repaired my YAESU VX-7R TriBand HT. Many years ago the SMA connector was broken on a trip to Minnesota for scouts. I finally fixed it and have been using it since.

In addition I have re-established membership with my previous Amateur Radio Club out of Raytown!