Yesterday, God convicted me at work. I was thinking about some things of the Lord and that still small voice come in with the volume of a megaphone put right on my ear:
Why are you not REALLY talking to me?
“What do you mean Lord?” I asked.
I heard it again.
Why are you not REALLY talking to me?
I stopped a few moments and started going through my check list of things related to my relationship with the Lord and then it clicked. My prayer life has not been with substance. I was missing the point of prayer and my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ! I had gotten into a rut of my prayer life with the Lord. A routine. One that is the same over and over and over again. It hit me like a brick in the side of the face.
I believe as men our prayer lives are really not what they should be. A prayer of substance! A prayer of direction! A prayer of meaning! We men think we can handle things ourselves and we don’t need to bother God with our frivolous things! WRONG ANSWER! We should BOTHER God because God bothers us! we should as men realize we CANNOT do everything! We need to realize WE ARE WEAK even though we may be stronger and faster that the woman. Even though we were born to be the alpha in the world regardless of what the world says today!
The words hit me so hard I started immediately putting down all the specific prayers in a notebook app in my phone and I separated the pages in my notebook into different categories. Wife, Personal, Sons, Individuals, Salvations, etc. Under each topic I had I put specific things to pray about. The lists continue to grow. Men we need to be praying men. We need to be men that are willing to get down on our knees with our hands up to the Lord in a posture of surrender and tell God,
“I cannot fix all these things, but you Lord can!”
Do we have a place to pray? Do we have a special place that allows us to get away from the distractions and spend some quality alone time with the Lord? God moved me to find my little prayer closet to go into. I have not set it up yet but will do so very soon.
Matthew 6:6 says,
“But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”
Men why is it that our prayer lives are so stagnant, so stale, so empty and yet we expect God to move on something we desire? Are we that dense that we think God will answer that prayer? Men we need to be a praying men! If we are married, we need our wives to see that we are praying man! The Lord REALLY wants to hear us! That is what a PERSONAL relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is!
God has already started answering prayers. I had a young person show up yesterday at church after just praying and asking the Lord to bring her to church on the way home from work yesterday afternoon. That is the prayer life we need! We need to get to our war rooms and lift up our requests to the Lord
1 John 5:14-15 says this,
14And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 15And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
I desire that prayer life in me. I desire my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ to be so close and so rich! Men, if you are a blood bought, born-again believer of the Lord Jesus Christ then you should desire that too!
The Lord is asking all men everywhere the same question He asked me.