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Network Plus Certification: N10-0006

Network Plus Certification: N10-0006

I just passed the hardest test I have ever encountered in my life.  The Comptia Network + Certification Exam version N10-006.  This is coming from someone that is a 20+ year veteran in the IT Industry and has extensive experience building entire networks from the ground up. Half way through this 90 minute exam of 85 questions I really thought I was going to not finish the exam.  It was one scenario after another.  I would say 3/4’s of the exam was this way.  I don’t read very fast and there were many times I needed to re-read the scenario. This test will definitely test your knowledge.  By the time I got done I had very little time (less than 10 minutes)  to go back to my flagged questions.  I looked at the first one and looked back at the time and decided not to go through those flagged questions.  I was in the hands of God at that moment.  I studied and studied and studied using the book that was given me for the online five day class and then purchasing The Exam Cram study guide.

Please trust me when I say that this test is nothing to take lightly. If you are planning on taking the Comptia Network Plus exam N10-006, please save yourself from wasting the money and study. Study hard.  Study long.  Memorize.  When you think you have studied enough please study some more!

Good luck to all who are taking this exam.

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